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Aohong Special Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Reflex Gauge Glass, Transparent Gauge Glass, Round Gauge Glass, Rectangular G...
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Published:2023-10-23        Views:29        Back to list
Thin Wall Rectangular Glass and Heavy Rectangular Glass

When comparing thin-walled and heavy rectangular glass, key differences include strength, durability, weight, and thermal properties. Heavy glass, being stronger and more durable, is less prone to breakage, making it suitable for high-stress applications. Conversely, the lighter and more delicate thin-walled glass is ideal for lightweight applications like picture frames and certain windows. The heavier weight of the thick glass also leads to better thermal insulation, making it apt for temperature-sensitive applications.

Thin Wall Rectangular Glass and Heavy Rectangular Glass are high-quality products made from various materials, including borosilicate glass, soda lime glass, and quartz glass. These glasses cater to a wide range of applications due to their specific material properties, catering to different temperature and stress needs.

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